Fees & Charges



Tax refund estimate by a tax expertFREE
Tax return prepared by accountant (simple)From $132
Rental property scheduleFrom $99
Business income scheduleFrom $77
Foreign incomeFrom $165
Capital gains calculation – propertyFrom $165
Capital gains calculation – otherFrom $77

$0 upfront – fee-from-refund option available. A fee of $39 plus GST is payable in the event you wish to pay for our services out of your taxation return proceeds.

Business Tax Returns***



Initial Advice for ATO formalitiesFREE
Business Activity StatementFrom $99
Annual BAS/IASFrom $165
Partnership tax returnFrom $275
Trust tax returnFrom $275
Super Fund tax returnFrom $275
Company tax returnFrom $275

Fees for getting your tax refund today**



Up to $299$88
$300 to $500$110

Once you authorise us to lodge your return, you can get your tax refund in 1 hour (up to $500) and receive the balance of your refund once it is released by the ATO (minus any applicable fees), which usually takes around two weeks.

Business Consultations



Initial advice for set up


Application for trading name


Application for ABN & GST


Partnership formation

From $330

Family trust formation

From $440

Company formation (Includes ASIC fees, Application to ASIC for ACN and to ATO for ABN, TFN, GST, Fuel Tax Credit & PAYG. All formalities with ASIC & ATO are covered)

From $1210

Small Business Package (One year, includes 4 BAS, income tax return filing and all tax advice for one year)

From $1100


*Extra Fees may be charged depending on the complexity of your tax return, number of PAYG summaries, calculations involving deductions/ rebates, time involved in preparation, ATO verification of income & debts, and for our 1 hour refund service. Government taxes are charged as applicable.

**Eligibility and amount will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. An EFT transfer fee of $39 plus GST applies if you can’t visit our office. T&Cs apply.

The following clients may not be eligible for 1 hour refund:

  1. If your tax return is already lodged.
  2. If  you have a history of child support payments, CentreLink debt, over payments from the ATO or lodgement penalties.
  3. If you have a history of ATO debts.
  4. If your prior year tax return was not lodged with the ATO.

***If figures are not provided to us, extra fees may be charged for the time involved in calculation of profit / preparation of financials / BAS reconciliation and taxation advice for business tax returns.

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