International Student Guide (Career and Tax Information)

How My Tax Refund Today Can Help You

About My Tax Refund Today

My Tax Refund Today is one of the biggest and most successful accountants and tax agents in NSW. With a 4.7 Star Google rating with more than 1000 reviews and having served more than 58,000 clients over 5 years.

Our Services

  • Lodging your tax return
  • Claiming Medicare Levy Exemption (to increase your refund free of charge)
  • Lodging your BAS
  • Advising for registration of TFN, ABN and GST (free of charge for our clients)

Career With My Tax Refund Today

We provide job opportunities to the International Students from all study courses by offering them Casual and Part Time positions. The students who work with us get extensive training and they enhance their skills. These skills help them to be employed.

Many talented students work with us every year during the tax season and are trained in a wide array of areas. The skills you gain in a professional work environment can be vital for progression in your career. These include:

  • Learning the Tax Software
  • Learning of CRM
  • Tax file preparation for the client
  • Downloading Client data from the ATO portal, entering all the income, deductible Expenses and completing client file to lodge the Tax Return by a Tax Agent
  • Communicating with Clients over the phone
  • Admin tasks, Banking, File/document management

To be an intern at My Tax Refund Today, you do not need to have an Accounting or Business degree or be a tax expert. We understand that students from a wide variety of backgrounds can have skills that are useful in the workplace. Therefore, students and graduates from many different study areas work alongside each other at our office which also enriches everyone’s experience with diversity.

My Tax Refund Today is one of the most popular host companies with Professional Year course providers that offers internship placements to students. Many graduates pursue a Professional Year program in order to gain practical experience in the area of commerce study.

Tax Related Information

This is a must for anyone starting work in Australia. A tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and superannuation systems. It is free to apply for a TFN.
Learn how to apply for a TFN here

Where you need to provide your TFN:

  • 1.Your bank or financial institution
  • 2.Your employer after you start a job
  • 3.Your super fund
  • 4.Centrelink
  • 5.Your registered tax agent

Keep your TFN private in all other instances.

Tax File Number

Not everyone needs an ABN. To get one you need to be running a business or other enterprise. Note that you need a TFN to apply for an ABN. Some common jobs/work that is done on an ABN are:

  • Food delivery (Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Menulog, Doordash, etc.)
  • Sub-contractor roles
  • Taxi services (read below)
  • Trading goods or services

Learn how to apply for an ABN here.

There are a very limited number of instances where a GST number is required to work. The most common situation is when you are working as a taxi driver for Uber, DiDi, Ola, etc.

Check out when to register for a GST here.

Learn how to apply for a GST number here.

Under the Australian Taxation Law, taxpayers are able to claim deductions for expenses they incur for work. There are some basic requirements for an expense to be an eligible deduction:

  • You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
  • The expenses must directly relate to earning your income
  • You must have a record to prove it (usually a Tax Invoice)

As an international student, you are considered a resident of Australia for tax purposes. However, you are not entitled to Medicare benefits. Therefore, you can claim a Medicare levy exemption. This can increase your tax refund amount as well.

You need to submit a Medicare Entitlement Statement to Services Australia to claim the exemption.

Learn more about the Medicare levy exemption here.

For the Medicare Entitlement Statement, click here.

After a year full of work and new experiences comes the time to lodge your tax return. Taxes can be confusing and overwhelming for many of us. There are a lot of terms and concepts that you might not understand like Medicare levy, work-related expenses, tax-free threshold, etc.

The financial year in Australia ends on 30 June. You can lodge your tax return from 1 July. Generally, the last date to lodge is 31 October.

To lodge your tax return on time and maximise your refund, Fill the form here and tax consultant will give you a call.

Ensuring the Employer and the Job Is Legit and Genuine

Ensuring the employer and the job is legit and genuine

Not all businesses are legitimate. It is wrong to get into a job or connect with an employer before doing your prior research. Here are a few steps you can take to safeguard yourself:

  • Check the business’s registration via ABN lookup to confirm details of the employer.
  • Check other professional or licensing organisations like the ATO or Service NSW.
  • Seek a referral from family or friends who have worked with the employer.

You may contact us by calling 1300 698 297 or email us at

This disclaimer informs readers that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual. Make your research before you take any step.

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