given names and last name | tax information |
date of birth | unique identifiers (e.g. Tax File Number (TFN)) |
any income sources | assets, expenses and liabilities information |
email address | employment information |
gender | Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) |
residency status | shareholding, investment, and dividend information |
marital status | trust/trustee details |
mailing or street address/postcode | health fund, superannuation fund and pension) information |
telephone or mobile number and other contact details | property and business ownership information |
financial information (e.g. bank and credit card details, bank account information) | any identification documentation for identity verification |
if you use our Website or online services, your device ID, device type, tracking data, geo-location information, computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, ad data, IP address (which is used to diagnose problems with our servers and administer our Website, and to gather demographic information) and standard web log information | any other personal information or information regarding your state of affairs, in order to facilitate your dealings with us |
Effective: As of 25th June 2023